Battle Camp Trading Rules: Learn All the Nuances

Characters of battle camp game

In the vast and enchanting world of Battle Camp, trading monsters has become an essential aspect of the game. Whether you’re seeking rare ingredients for evolution, specific passive or active abilities, or simply aiming to align zodiacs, trading with fellow players can significantly elevate your gaming experience. Here, we delve into the intricate world of Battle Camp trading rules, providing you with a comprehensive guide to navigate this exciting feature.

What Is Monster Trading in Battle Camp?

Monster trading allows players to exchange monsters with one another through the Facebook applet. This system is designed to facilitate the sharing of creatures, fostering cooperation and strategy among Battle Camp enthusiasts. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned adventurer, mastering the art of trading can unlock new possibilities within the game.

Initiating a Trade

To initiate a trade, follow these simple steps:

  1. Access the Trading Portal: Visit to enter the trading portal;
  2. Inventory Exchange: You and your friend can view each other’s inventories within the portal. Here, you can select the monster you wish to acquire from your friend’s inventory and choose a monster from your collection to offer in exchange;
  3. Approval and Completion: Once you’ve made your selections, your friend must approve your proposal. Once approved, the trade will be completed successfully.

Trade Restrictions

While trading offers exciting opportunities, there are certain restrictions and guidelines to keep in mind:

  • Proposal Limit: Players can propose multiple trades, but only two trades can be accepted per day;
  • Camp Switching: To make your newly acquired monster appear in the game, you need to switch camps once for EACH new monster you receive;
  • Battle Camp Pals: Trading is only possible with players who have been Battle Camp Pals for two weeks or more;
  • Rarity and Level Requirements: You can only trade monsters of the same rarity level. Each rarity level corresponds to a specific player level requirement. Here’s a breakdown:
  • Common: Level 15;
  • Rare: Level 20;
  • Special: Level 25;
  • Super: Level 30;
  • Ultra: Level 40;
  • Epic: Level 50;
  • Legendary: Level 55, and more.

Trading Etiquette: Making Fair Trades

In Battle Camp, trading isn’t just about getting the monsters you want; it’s also about maintaining a fair and respectful trading community. Here are some tips on trading etiquette to ensure a positive trading experience:

  • Communicate Clearly: When proposing a trade, clearly state what you’re offering and what you expect in return. Misunderstandings can lead to trade rejections or disappointments;
  • Fair Value: Try to offer monsters of similar value to what you’re requesting. Unfair trades can result in rejections or negative feedback;
  • Check Rarity and Level: Always double-check the rarity and level requirements for trading. Attempting to trade incompatible monsters can waste both parties’ time;
  • Be Patient: Not all trades will be accepted immediately. Some players may take time to evaluate offers or may be offline. Avoid spamming trade requests;
  • Feedback: After a successful trade, consider leaving positive feedback for your trading partner. This helps build trust within the community;
  • Avoid Scams: Be cautious of overly generous offers from unknown players. Scammers may try to trick you into unfair trades;
  • Community Resources: Joining Battle Camp forums or social media groups can help you connect with trusted traders and stay updated on trading trends.

Video Guide

To finally answer all your questions, we have prepared a special video for you. Enjoy watching it!

Trading and Strategy: Crafting Your Dream Team

Trading in Battle Camp isn’t just about collecting monsters; it’s also a strategic way to craft your dream team. Here are some tips on how to use trading to your advantage in building a powerful squad:

  1. Identify Your Needs: Before initiating trades, assess your current team’s strengths and weaknesses. Identify the types of monsters you need to enhance your squad’s abilities;
  2. Plan Evolutions: Trading can help you gather the monsters required for evolutions. Consider which monsters you want to evolve, and seek out the necessary ingredients through trades;
  3. Match Zodiacs: Zodiac matching grants bonus stats to your monsters. Use trading to acquire monsters with compatible zodiacs to maximize your team’s potential;
  4. Create Synergy: Build a team with monsters that have complementary abilities. Look for monsters that can enhance each other’s strengths and cover weaknesses;
  5. Stay Informed: Keep an eye on in-game events and updates. Some events offer special monsters that can be valuable additions to your team. Trade for these monsters during limited-time events.
  6. Build a Diverse Team: Don’t focus solely on one element or rarity. A diverse team can adapt to various challenges and opponents;
  7. Trade Smart: Be patient and discerning when trading. Seek fair and mutually beneficial deals. Don’t rush into trades without evaluating their long-term benefits;
  8. Community Collaboration: Join trading communities or forums to connect with experienced traders. They can offer advice, trade tips, and help you find the monsters you need.


Trading in Battle Camp adds depth to the game, allowing players to collaborate and enhance their collections. By following proper trading etiquette, you can contribute to a thriving and friendly trading community.


How many trades per day do I get?

You get 2 trades per day, and the trade timer resets at 12am GMT.

When trading, it doesn’t show all of my Monsters. Why is this?

Monsters in a pending state will not appear in your inventory. To clear pending proposals, navigate to the Notifications button in the trading portal and click “Cancel Trade” next to the pending trades.

I sent a trade proposal to my friend, but I haven’t received the Monster. Why not?

To receive traded monsters, both you and your friend need to restart the game or change maps within the game after completing each trade. Once done, the new monsters should be visible in your inventory.