Unleash Your Inner Crafter: Battle Camp Salvage and Crafting

Game Battle Camp screenshot with a monster and a 'Salvage Info' tab below it

In the fantastical world of Battle Camp, adventurers are constantly on the hunt for rare creatures, powerful gear, and the secret to becoming a legendary camper. One crucial aspect of this mobile game is the art of Salvage and Crafting. These skills can turn even the most ordinary items into valuable assets for your camp. In this guide, we will dive deep into the fascinating world of Battle Camp Salvage and Crafting, equipping you with the knowledge and strategies you need to thrive in this thrilling adventure.

The Basics of Salvage and Crafting

Before we delve into the intricacies, let’s start with the basics.

Salvaging is the process of breaking down items in your inventory to obtain valuable resources like energy, coins, and crafting materials. You can salvage items by tapping on the “Salvage” option in your inventory and selecting the items you want to break down.

Crafting, on the other hand, involves using these salvaged materials to create powerful equipment, orbs, and even unique creatures to strengthen your camp. You can access the crafting menu by tapping on the “Craft” option.

Understanding Salvage Materials

Salvaging is the key to obtaining crafting materials and other essential resources in Battle Camp. Each item you salvage will yield various materials, depending on its rarity and type. Here’s a breakdown of the different salvage materials:

Salvage Materials

Material NameCommon SourceUsage
Fire EssenceCommon creaturesCrafting, Fusion
Water EssenceCommon creaturesCrafting, Fusion
Earth EssenceCommon creaturesCrafting, Fusion
Air EssenceCommon creaturesCrafting, Fusion
Arcane EssenceRare creaturesCrafting, Fusion
Astral EssenceEpic creaturesCrafting, Fusion
Chrono EssenceLegendary creaturesCrafting, Fusion
Sparkling DustCommon and rare itemsCrafting, Evolution
Glowing PowderEpic and legendary itemsCrafting, Evolution
Shiny ShardsLegendary itemsCrafting, Evolution

Understanding the source and usage of these materials is essential as it will help you determine what to salvage and what to keep for crafting.

Crafting: A Step-By-Step Guide

Game Battle Camp screenshot with the 'Crafting' tab selected

Now that you know the basics, let’s dive into the exciting world of crafting.

Step 1: Access the Crafting Menu

To begin crafting, tap on the “Craft” option in your inventory. You’ll be presented with a list of available crafting options.

Step 2: Choose Your Craft

Select the item or creature you want to craft from the list. You can filter your choices by category, making it easier to find what you’re looking for.

Step 3: Gather Materials

Ensure you have the required salvage materials and other items to craft your chosen item. If you’re missing any materials, you’ll need to go back to the Salvage step to collect them.

Step 4: Craft It!

Once you have all the necessary materials, tap the “Craft” button. Congratulations, you’ve successfully created a new item or creature for your camp!

Step 5: Evolve and Enhance

Don’t forget that you can also evolve and enhance your creatures and equipment for increased power. This process requires additional materials, so plan your crafting and evolution carefully.

Strategies for Salvaging and Crafting

Now that you know the mechanics, let’s discuss some strategies to optimize your Salvage and Crafting activities.

  • Prioritize Rare Items: When it comes to salvaging, prioritize common items that are easy to come by in the game. Rare items, on the other hand, should be kept for crafting or trading with other players;
  • Focus on High-Level Creatures: Legendary and epic creatures are highly valuable. Instead of salvaging them, consider using them for fusion, crafting, or trading;
  • Plan Your Crafting: Crafting is a resource-intensive process. Plan your crafting projects strategically, and prioritize items that will have the most significant impact on your camp’s strength;
  • Maximize Energy Gain: Salvaging can also yield energy points, which are essential for various activities in Battle Camp. Salvage wisely to maximize your energy gain;
  • Participate in Events: Keep an eye on in-game events that offer bonus rewards for salvaging and crafting. These events can help you accumulate resources faster.


Salvage and crafting are integral to success in Battle Camp. By understanding these mechanics and following the tips provided, you can build a formidable team of creatures and powerful equipment. Remember to prioritize your resources, join a camp for added benefits, and always strive for efficiency in your Salvage and crafting endeavors.

For enhanced comprehension, refer to this video tutorial on Battle Camp Salvage and Crafting:

With dedication and a strategic approach, you’ll be well on your way to conquering the world of Battle Camp. Happy crafting!


Can I salvage legendary creatures?

Yes, you can salvage legendary creatures, but it’s not recommended. It’s better to use them for fusion, crafting, or trading.

What’s the best way to obtain rare salvage materials?

Rare salvage materials are often obtained from rare and powerful creatures. Focus on defeating these creatures in events or battles to collect the materials you need.

How can I obtain shiny shards for evolution?

Shiny shards are primarily obtained from salvaging legendary items. Keep salvaging legendary items to collect enough shards for evolution.

Is crafting random, or can I choose the stats of the item or creature I craft?

Crafting is generally random, and the stats of the item or creature you craft will vary. However, you can use items like stat stones and runes to modify the stats after crafting.

What should I prioritize: crafting or evolving creatures and equipment?

It depends on your current needs. If you have powerful creatures and equipment that can be evolved, prioritize evolution. If you lack essential items, focus on crafting.