How Many Chapters In Uravel 2?

Cotton Colin character running in Uravel 2 game

Life’s delicate balance is an undeniable truth, revealing itself in moments of uncertainty and sorrowful reckonings. It was within this realm of fragility that I immersed myself while venturing into the remarkable world of Coldwood Interactive’s latest masterpiece, Unravel Two. As I embarked on this extraordinary gaming experience, I found myself intimately connected to the concept of vulnerability, for Yarny, the beloved protagonist, artfully weaves its path through a labyrinth of exquisitely designed puzzles. Guided by the slender thread of yarn and accompanied by a newfound companion, Unravel Two invites players into a realm where the intricacies of existence unravel, leaving an indelible impression of awe and admiration.

A Seamless Blend of Natural Puzzles and Cooperative Adventure

One of the initial aspects that struck me about Unravel Two is how effortlessly natural and fluid many of the puzzles feel. While this sequel is fully playable on one’s own, the experience can be elevated by embarking on the journey with a local co-op partner. It’s important to note that online support is not available, but as I progressed through the story and tackled several challenging levels, it became evident that online co-op might not have been feasible considering the game’s emphasis on cooperation. The nature of co-op play necessitates constant communication and collaboration, which could present challenges when relying solely on headsets and virtual interactions.

Cooperation and friendship are integral elements that define the narrative and gameplay of Unravel Two. Fortunately, I had the chance to experience the entire game both in cooperative mode and as a solo player. Regardless of the approach, the game provided an exceptional experience. Each level within the game strikes a balance between fast-paced jumping and swinging platforming segments, and more intricate puzzle-solving involving switches and platforms. Unravel Two consists of seven chapters, each with its distinct theme, ranging from lush forests and bustling cities to industrial landscapes.

1Foreign Shore
3Little Frogs
5Is That All There Is
6Ashes to Ashes
7At the Rapids
foreign shore chapter in Uravel 2 game

In terms of navigation, both Yarny characters possess identical abilities. The primary method of reaching inaccessible areas involves lassoing a thread of yarn onto various objects, such as tree branches and ladder rungs. By connecting to these objects, you can swing or create bridges by tying off at multiple points. Throughout the game, you’ll encounter ingeniously crafted puzzles that sometimes required several minutes of contemplation to solve. However, once my friend or I figured them out, we couldn’t help but smile or shake our heads in satisfaction as we successfully progressed.

However, there are instances where moving each character independently may not be the optimal choice, especially in speed-oriented sections. Given the game’s core cooperative nature, effective communication and precise timing become paramount. If one player feels more confident in certain segments, the other player can merge with them, allowing them to progress together. This aspect makes Unravel Two an ideal game for parents to play and bond with their children, as they can literally carry their child on their back during the more challenging areas. Additionally, there are a few helpful features available to players, such as the ability to slow down time during complex platforming sequences or enable auto-grabbing. Players can even trigger hints if they find themselves truly stuck, and all of these features can be adjusted in the options menu.

A Visual Feast of Realism and Wonder

Within the enchanting realm of Unravel Two, my journey unfolded amidst a tapestry of exquisite level designs that effortlessly seized my attention. Throughout my odyssey, the carefully crafted environments seamlessly embraced me, leaving no room for a sense of displacement. The meticulous attention to detail, both in the intricate backgrounds and the animated foreground characters, exuded a striking beauty that mesmerized my senses. With a deliberate blurring of the background, particularly in the open-air vistas, my focus remained steadfastly fixed on the tangible realm where the game unfolded. Yet, even within this ethereal backdrop, a myriad of meticulously placed details breathed life into the game world, evoking a palpable sense of authenticity. 

The astonishingly realistic visuals adorned the foreground, where every obstacle, from rugged rocks to sturdy logs, interwove flawlessly with the characters’ journey. Even the humble playground equipment mirrored their real-world counterparts, swaying with a familiar grace. In every pixel, Unravel Two breathed life into its immersive world, inviting me to unravel its artistic tapestry with wide-eyed wonder.

Yarny running in  Uravel 2

Supernatural Journey and Unraveling Mysterious Plights

Immersed in the captivating world of Unravel Two, I found myself drawn into a mesmerizing tale that defied the boundaries of the physical realm. An unsettling supernatural essence infused the game’s fabric, materializing through the menacing darkness/fire enemies that lurked at every turn. These otherworldly adversaries cast an ominous shadow, embodying a parallel threat that mirrored the challenges faced by the human children glimpsed in the background. As a player, I became an active participant in their survival, forging an intricate connection that unraveled a tapestry of emotions and untold depths of storytelling. With each interaction, I felt the weight of responsibility resting upon my virtual shoulders, driving me to navigate the treacherous terrain with unwavering determination. Unravel Two masterfully wove together the elements of fear, empathy, and resilience, immersing me in a multidimensional narrative that transcended the boundaries of the ordinary and immersed me in a hauntingly beautiful journey.

Even as the story reaches its conclusion, the true plight of the human children remains somewhat mysterious. However, similar to the player’s interactions, the focus seems to lie more in the journey itself rather than the ultimate goal. Nevertheless, after completing the main storyline, there are still plenty of challenges for players to undertake. Cleverly hidden throughout each level are collectibles in the form of shimmering dandelions, which can be gathered. Each collected dandelion completes a section of a painting displayed in the lighthouse, serving as the game’s central hub world. Unravel Two effectively informs players about the number of collectibles they have missed in each level, as well as providing other statistical information, making it easy to replay levels in order to locate any missed items.

Conquering Unravel Two’s Rewarding Challenges

While the main game can be completed in 6-8 hours, there’s an additional challenge in the form of earning medals for each chapter by completing them within different uninterrupted par times or without dying. Although I managed to beat a few par times, I personally found it quite challenging to complete levels without dying unless I dedicated a significant amount of practice. Additionally, there are special challenge levels that unlock after completing story levels. These optional levels offer Yarny customization options as rewards, allowing players to visually distinguish themselves from other local players. The objective in these increasingly difficult levels is to rescue a trapped Yarny located somewhere within the level. While I managed to complete a few of these challenges, I quickly realized that they are best attempted with two players due to their high difficulty. Even without completing the challenges, players can still customize each Yarny with basic options for the head, eyes, body, and base color.

In the enigmatic world of Unravel Two, the elusive individual stories may dance just beyond our grasp, yet the essence of its captivating ambiance and tone resonates profoundly. Embarking on this journey, I found myself immersed in a kaleidoscope of emotions, where heart-pounding races ignited my adrenaline and the pursuit of elusive grouse filled me with exhilaration. Yet, it was in the depths of poignant despair that the game’s true emotional range unveiled itself, tugging at my heartstrings with a delicate touch. 

As I orchestrated the intricate dance of Yarny’s movements, I couldn’t help but be mesmerized by the meticulously crafted score, which weaved its melodies into the very fabric of the on-screen events. However, it was the climactic final level that transcended all expectations, transporting me to a realm of pure wonder and unbridled joy. In that moment, an unexpected surge of emotions surged through me, leaving an indelible mark on my gaming experience, unlike anything I have encountered in recent memory. Unravel Two is a testament to the power of immersive storytelling and the extraordinary ability of a game to evoke a profound range of emotions, creating an unforgettable journey that lingers long after the final thread is woven.

Screenshot Gallery

Yarny and Cotton Colin in Uravel 2 game
Cotton Colin climbs the rope on a rock in Uravel 2 game
Yarny and Cotton Colin appear in Uravel 2 scene near books


Approaching my review of Unravel Two, I had little idea of what to expect. The experience I had was a delightful blend of joy, suspense, astonishment, and concern. To say that Unravel Two was a pleasant surprise this year would be an understatement, and it’s a game that should not be overlooked. If you appreciate platforming adventures with a unique approach to cooperative puzzle-solving, then Unravel Two for PC is an absolute must-play.